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Republican Presidential Candidate: If I Were King I'd Abolish Teachers Lounges So They Can't Whine
John Kasich: I'd Abolish Teachers' Lounges
DEA: 'We don't have teachers' lounges, we have teachers' workrooms'
GOP Hopefuls Slam Teachers Unions at NH Forum
This is the Most Dangerous Republican Candidate But But Would He Ever Make It Past the Primaries?
Columbus on the Record - The Two Sides of John Kasich
Gov. Kasich Tweets Teachers
John Kasich: I'll Be Nominee Despite All Evidence to the Contrary
Lawmaker Wants To Eliminate Upstate Board Of Education
Gov. John Kasich - Education in Ohio 2013
Silver Lining In a Trump Administration? John Wood Jr Thinks So, Dominique Says "No"
"Moderate" John Kasich's Extreme Anti-Teacher Rhetoric